vor 5 Jahren

01-2019 Rhine Time

  • Text
  • Harleyteile
  • Motorrad
  • Motorcycles
  • Europe
  • Mosel
  • Scenic
  • Rhein
  • Rhine
CCE on tour with the 2018 BOAR bike line.


CUSTOM CHROME EUROPE Bolt On And Ride Tour Rhein Time – Germany’s most romantic ride! Detail of the toll station Passing Rheingrafenstein The house where Bluecher stayed Where Bluecher crossed the Rhine... View from the heights above Kaub, the Pfalz at „normal“ water level of the River.

CUSTOM CHROME EUROPE PRESS RELEASE - PUBLICATION FREE OF CHARGE KAUB, NEW YEARS EVE 1813/14 World history was made in Kaub on December 31st 1813 when General Bluecher crossed the river in pursuit of Napoleon. Local fishermen shipped the first soldiers to the other shore while Russian Engineers built a ponton bridge under extreme winter conditions. The toll station of Pfalzgrafenstein served as „anchor“ for the bridge and is one of the most scenic toll stations along the river. Kaub itself was „under siege“ often in its history, today home of a fine museum and the quickest ferry over the narrow river. The Pfalzgrafenstein can be visited too, sometime re-enactors fire period rifles and guns from the island. Slate was one of the goods produced and exported from Kaub by ship for a long time!

CCE Online Publication